November 2020

Catch of the Day

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  • November 2021

    CodePen Challenge: Card Text

    In this week's CodePen challenge we get the opportunity to take a basic template of three content cards and breath a bit of life into them using our own custom CSS styles.

  • April 2020

    JavaScript ES6: const and let

    Replacing var with const/let is all about increasing clarity in your code and by the end of this article, I’m hoping I will have convinced you to never use var again!

  • April 2020

    CodePen Challenge: Handling User-Uploaded Images

    In this week's Challenge, we start with a set of very different user-uploaded avatars and it's our job to do something with them to bring them together nicely.

  • March 2020

    Creating Interactive Accordions using jQuery

    Accordions are useful interface elements that, when clicked, will expand or condense the information on a web page. In this article, I will provide examples on how to create accordions and nested accordions using jQuery, and explain when you might want to use accordions.

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